Waking the Dreamer Within Festival
“Dreamer” Someone who envisions happiness and peace for humankind. Someone who believes that someday the world will truly be as one; visionary.
The Waking the Dreamer Within Festival is a celebration of creativity, imagination and the language of metaphor. The weekend nurtures authentic expression through workshops and group events featuring dreamwork, storytelling, poetry, music, art and the written word.
The festival offers workshops, presentations and group activities all designed to enhance your connection with Body, Mind and Spirit.
Any questions, please email billiecortiz@gmail.com or call 303-929-6122
Sample schedule from 2017 festival
Friday, October 6th
5:30pm – 6:30pm –
Opening Ceremony
Together we will build a despatcho mandala that will serve as an altar throughout the weekend.
Bring something from nature to contribute;i.e. a feather, leaf, stone, etc.
6:30pm – 7:30pm – Dinner
7:30pm – 9:00pm – Fire Pit Poetry!
Bring your favorite poem or story to share around the fire pit
Saturday, October 7th
8:00am – 8:45am – Breakfast
9:00am – 10:30am –
–Exploring the Metaphors of Your Favorite Movies as Waking Dreams – Star Edwards (Orchard Room) Have you ever seen the same movie more than three times? More than six times? More than 10 times? In this workshop we will examine how movies can be explored as though they are repetitive waking dreams. We will discuss viewing movies that we’ve watched many times as symbols of our personal “Hero’s Journey.” The images and symbolism in our favorite movies can guide us to a deeper understanding of our archetypal dramas and help us to discover our Authentic Self. We will view scenes from “Wizard of Oz” as an example and work with the themes symbolically as though they were a dream. If you’re someone who doesn’t remember your nightly dreams, this is the perfect workshop for you!
11:00am – 12:30pm –
–Navajo Featherway and Intuitive Healing Playshop – Cynthia Rose (Ochard Room) Cynthia Rose offers playful, dynamic, powerful, and interactive instruction, on how to use feathers to facilitate energetic clearing and healing. During this Playshop, participants will learn how to use feathers as an extension of their own bodies’ energetic field. Instruction will include: noticing our innate intuition, clearing energetic blocks, cutting energetic cords, as well as detection and transformation of trauma/dis-ease in the body mind and spirit. Participants will be selected to volunteer for interactive demonstration of how the process unfolds. The majority of the workshop is ‘hands-on’ interactive play, in the field of infinite potential. The Navajo Featherway Technique, used in intuitive flow, is a powerful transformational healing modality, which is extremely useful when integrated into healing practice, and can be used as a helpful tool, by anyone, in daily life.
12:30pm – 2:00 pm – Lunch & Free time
2:00pm – 3:30pm – –Incubating Picture Images as Waking Dreams – Jo LaRocque (Orchard Room) In this interactive workshop, you will first be asked to explore the retreat grounds and photograph (using your smart phone camera) an image that attracts your attention, anything that stirs your emotions, letting your intuition be your guide. Then we will gather back together as a group to review the images and, with the help of the group’s projections and suggestions, you will discover how these vivid “waking dream” images can be viewed just as symbolically as your nighttime dreams. Through this process of opening to a deeper understanding of the archetypal meanings of the symbols and metaphor of everyday images and waking life events, you will begin to realize the infinite transformational possibilities of viewing life as a “waking dream!”
4:00pm – 5:30pm –Movie “Appointment with the Wise Old Dog – Dream Images in a Time of Crisis” followed by Group Discussion, with Star Edwards and Johanne LaRocque
5:30pm – 6:30pm – Dinner
6:30pm – 8:00pm – Optional Healing Sessions (Healing Hut)*
*please make appts for individual sessions directly with healer
“Dancing with the Dream Body:” Dream Incubation Healing Session with Andrew Lipman Envelop in 30 minutes of sacred space and healing to incubate a dream state in real time for the purpose of your health and wholeness. Through active imagination, playful movement and sound, you will discover the unique personal symbols of healing most alive to you right now. Next, deepen in a restorative table session in which Shiatsu, Sacred Sound and energy medicine liberate the vitality of your unique personal metaphors to dance with your dream body–and recreate health and wholeness. $25 for 30-minute session
Restorative Reflexology with Suzanne Rougé
A reflexology session provides deep relaxation, circulation, rejuvenates, restores and balances the mind, body, spirit connection. $20 for 20-minute session
8:00pm – 11:00pm – Let loose and PARTY!
Costume Party (optional): Dress up as your favorite character from your dreams or your favorite story!
Snacks & Cash bar (wine/beer)
Live Music with Star Edwards and Kingbeat:
Sunday October 8th:
8:30am – 9:15am – Breakfast
On Sunday, we all come together in a large dream circle. We close each dream with gentle movement/yoga stretches led by Jessica Auman. We follow the guidelines of “in my imagined version of this dream,” and, with this practice, “everybody’s dream becomes everybody’s dream.” It’s a truly empowering and compassionate process of opening ourselves to the synchronicity of the collective unconscious!
9:30am -12:30pm – Morning Dreamwork Session
12:30pm – 1:30pm – Lunch
1:30pm – 4:30pm – Afternoon Dreamwork Session & Closing Ceremony