Karen Schultz ~ Presenter Video
Posted by wtdw on Aug 12, 2016 in News | Comments Off on Karen Schultz ~ Presenter Video
“The Waking the Dreamer Within Festival, more than any other event I am aware of, not only opens pathways of experience and recognition of the multiple layers and meanings of our dreams, but also extends our range of exploration into areas of creative expression, shamanic wisdom and psychic awareness. All this happens in the embrace of an intimate temporary community made up of skilled and experienced dream workers, artists and healers, as well as many people new to the adventure of exploring their inner world. Participating in this vital community, will almost certainly stimulate your imagination and feed your creative ideas and impulses. ENJOY, (and find more evidence that you really are not alone – intellectually, emotionally, physically, and spiritually…!)”
-Dr. Jeremy Taylor, author of “The Wisdom of Your Dreams”
“It was a wonderful conference and I got great comfort from all I learned. It was very helpful indeed and quite synchronous all around. Emotions are the bridge between the spiritual and physical realms. God bliss!”
-Dr. Candace Pert
author of “Molecules of Emotion”
I was both a presenter and participant at Billie Ortiz`s Waking the Dreamer Within Festival 2016. As a presenter I was delighted to share our dream ritual work with such a tuned-in audience. As a participant, I attended four classes on Saturday and each was extremely enriching. Overall the conference was a stellar event!
Bravo, and kudos to Billie!
-Christopher Macor
Boulder, Co.
“Thank you for creating safe space where I could allow creative wordplay to flow and for helping to stimulate my imagination! It was profoundly fulfilling!”
With gratitude, hugs and love,
“The WDW Festival was “life changing” in many ways. It was incredibly inspiring and profound to meet so many wise and deep-thinking people, who are bridging the space between “heaven and earth” by exploring their own and others’ dream life-thus, also bridging the space between the personal and the collective.
I instantly “felt at home”-breathing a “sigh of relief” being surrounded by such wisdom AND creativity! WOW! So very soulful and nourishing!”
“Waking the Dreamer Within, held August 8-11th 2013 was a shining example of educating the future with the shared wisdom of collective consciousness.
Thanks for all you do to create the opportunities for growth for us all. ”
“I really respect the professional feel this conference had. Everyone did a marvelous job. You are blessed to have such a talented core group of friends and I hope to stay connected to you and all of them in the future.”
“I’m still feeling the glow of having experienced the 2014 Waking the Dreamer Within Festival and expect that it will stay with me for a long time. It was a much needed break from the chaos and confusion of today’s world, providing hope, insight and knowledge about myself and the collective.”
“I wanted to write and thank you for the amazing festival last weekend. It was evident how much energy you put into it!”
“The Waking the Dreamer Within Festival gave me a much needed re-invigoration of my place in the collective order of our shared existence.”
I barely ate because I was so full, and I truly barely slept because I was so over-stimulated. AND I had so much fun and learned so much, and it was so
totally worth it. More than that, it taught me something about my expectations about ways to learn. I am bigger than one way. It dawned on me
on the drive home that this style of learning feels much more like a Native American ceremony where you keep going until you drop, lie there a while, maybe dream, get up and continue on…all the same whether sleeping, waking, dancing, drumming, drawing, plus it gives you time to do so much more. Thank you for that important lesson.